Friday, May 27, 2011


 fixed prices
tried to secure boundaries of empire, doubled size of roman army
divided empire
saw cross in the sky
city of Milan
Christianity was no longer Illegal
free religion
 by 395 Christianity became official religion
moved capital of the empire to a place in Turkey

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


  • Meanwhile- religious troubles
  • christianity and Judaism: Monotheistic
  • romans had many gods
  • western wall today is the holiest of all Jewish shrines
  • half a million jews died in the rebellion
Persecution of christians 

  • Romans were harsh towards those who would not worship the emperor
  • especially christians who were viewed as followers of a new, upstart religion
  • often used for "entertainment" Purposes in the colosseum 
  • Despite the oppression, Christianity grew quicky by ad 200, around 10 percent of the people in the roman empire Christians 

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Roman Empire

... And to the Empire for which it stands...

Octavian- AKA Caesar Augustus

  • begins the pax romana- a period of peace
  • built roads, aqueducts, brought water to the cities
  • set up civil services to take care of roads, the grain supply, even a postal service
  • Augustus died at age 76 in A.D. 14, and passes power
From Jesus to Christianity

  • Jesus was a roman citizen 
  • at 30 he began his ministry
  • preached to poor
  • statements like "My kingdom is not of the world" made the romans (And the Jews) nervous, and they began to plan his execution
  • the governor of the Roman Province of Judaea, pontius Pilate (prompted by Jewish high priests) Sentences Jesus to death by crucifixion 

The word spreads about the risen Jesus

  • Paul is instrumental in telling the world about Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and message
  • he travels far and wide: Cyprus, Anatolia, Athens, Corinth, Macedonia, Rome, Jerusalem, and maybe even Spain and Britain
  • He writes letters to many of those he spoke to- these epistles are a part of the new Testament
  • if not for the efforts of Paul, it is likely that Jesus remains and obscure preacher, instead of the central figure of the world's largest religion
Back to Tiberius
  • As Augustus's stepson and adopted son. Tiberius succeeded Octavian 
  • although a great general , he was a drunk, somber, reclusive, and reluctant emporor
  • he reffered to the Senate as "Men fit to be slaves"
  • Germanicus started out as Tiberius' ally, since he quelled a legion mutiny, but when it looked like he would succeed Tiberius, he got paranoid and had Germanicus killed
  • died in ad 37 the age of 77 giving way to...
Caligula- Good start...
  • In addition to being Germanicus' son, he was Tiberius' adopted grandson and great-nephew- putting him next in line for emperor 
  • he started off well: Granting bonuses to those in the military, declaring treason trials a thing of the past, and made government spending a matter ob public record
  • all in all, the first seven months of Caligula's region were "completely blissful" (According to the historian Philo)... 
Bad finish for Caligula
  • He began to fight with the Senate
  • he claimed to be a god, and had statues displayed in many places, including the Jewish temple in Jerusalem
  • other examples of cruelty and insanity, he slept with other men's wives and bragged about it, indulged in too much spending and sex, and even tried to make his horse a consul and priest (At least that's what his critics said) 
  • assassinated by his own aides, AD 41(age 28)
  • Ostracized by his family because he had disabilities (Limp, slight deafness, possible speech imediment - thought to be cerebral palsy or polio), he was the last adult male in his family when caligula was killed
  • he rose to the occasion: he conquered Britiain, he built roads, canals, and aqueducts; he renovated the circus Maximus
  • had an awful marriage to Messalina, who was quite often unfaithful to him, even plotting to seize power for her lover Silius through a coup- so Claudius had them killed
Meanwhile- religious troubles
  • Christianity and judaism: monotheistic
  • romans had many gods, plus at times the emperor was viewedd as a god
  • ad 66: a group of jews called the zealots tried to revel, but roman troops put them down and burned their temple (Except for one wall)

Friday, May 13, 2011


messed up face
speech impediment
increased women's rights
"Claudius frequently used the term 'Filius Drusi' (son of Drusus) in his titles, in order to remind the people of his legendary father and lay claim to his reputation." 
good administrator 
"During his reign the empire conquered ThraceNoricumPamphyliaLycia andJudaea, and began the conquest of Britain"
"In modern times, some authors have cast doubt on whether Claudius was murdered or merely succumbed to illness or old age."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Power points~

  • The Etruscans and the Greeks were very important in Roman history.
  • The Etruscans had a  written language which the romans took most of their writing technique from
  • the Greek gods and goddesses
  • The Latins were the first to live in area
  • many roman words came from latin
  • Latins had huge influence
  • Tiber river is where latins lived
  • latins were dominate and civilized people on this area of the river
  • No one has a clue of what draining the swamp has to do with Rome.
  • The romans soon became in this region and Latins become part of it
  • they soon had a king called Tarquin 
  • he later earned the name Tarquin the proud when he became a control freak and people didn't like him.
  • The people got angry and later drove him out of Rome
  • Because of the people learned how bad a king could be
  • they never had another dictator 
  • they had a republican government 

  • The years after the war
  • the first latifundia were added from the spoils of war, taken away from farmers returning from the war latifundia were the roman estates only slaves worked the land
  • not the sturdy roman farmers who had been in Republic's army.
  • they produced oil and wine for exportation
  • Tiberius and Gaius
  • Roman plebeian nobles
  • served as tributes (Elected officials in the roman republic) in the second century
  • attempted to pass land reform that would retributed huge pieces of patrician land among the plebeians
  • considered the founding fathers of socialism and populism
  • both were assassinated for their attempts
  • Full name was Gaius julius caeasar
  • he was son of Gaius Caesar and Aurelia
  • he was born in 12 July 100 BC in Rome
  • he was Roman general and statesman
  • he played a critical role in the change of Rome from a republic to an empire
  • he lead Rome to victory against Gaul
  • he was appointed dictator for ten ears in 47 bc
  • Sulla who was a dictator stayed longer than six month period, tried to kill caesar
  • But, Caesar bribed to spare his life
  • he knew that he had to govern provinces
  • The rubicon river is a shallow river in northeastern Italy
  • it flows beween the towns of Rimini and Caeser.
  • when Julius Caesar crossed this river, it was considered an act of war
  •  Gallic wars were series of military campaigns lead by Julius Caesar this was against several Galic tribes
  • Caesar was proclaimed dictator in perpetuity
  • Julius Caesar dictator of Rome
  • stabbed by senators 
  • Ides of March, march 15 in 44BC
  • Theater of pompey
  • The senate was afraid he was getting to powerful
  • the senators waited outside the theater and directed him into a room. they asked caesar to sign something getting someone's brother out of exile. He didn't so they pulled him down and started stabbing him. he was stabbed 23 times in the chest
  • his friend was included in the stabbing. His last words were "You too Brute?"
  •  Born into an equestrian family in rome on septmber the 23
  • his father was the first one to become a enator in the family but died when octabius was four.
  • he severed julius caesar in the spanish expedition in 46bc 
  • Marcus Aemilis Lepidus was born 88bc and was roman patrition who became a member of second triumvirate
  • lepidus was maong caesar's greatested supporter after Caesar's murder
  • Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt
  • she represented herself as the reincarnation of the Egyptian Goddess Isis 
  • In our paragraph of the song it states octavius was 18 when he started ruling
  • was very close to lepidus and marc antony
  • all three formed offical three-man government called "the second triumvirate"
  • cleopatra coame into the scene and tried to take over octavius's power.
  • octavius remailed ruler and changed his name to augustus and lived on

  • Pax romana- latin for roman piece
  • roman roads
  • roman roads allowed the Romans to move armies, trade goods,a nd to communicate. 
  • Roman Gladiators
  • the early people interpreted the gladiatorial games as a type of human sacrafices
  • Circus Maximus
  • the circus maximus is an ancient roman chariot racing stadium and mass entertainment venue 

Monday, May 2, 2011