Friday, March 4, 2011

Modern egypt

(I learn better typing it and copying)
study of
i didn't get the rest

Tourism (Who wouldn't want to see the pyramids?) 
oil, natural gas, manufacturing
agriculture- making the most of their limited arable land )3%)
the old pattern of dealing with the Nile has been changed since 1970 building of the Aswan High Dam
the dam controls the flooding of the Nile and increases the amount of reclaimed land

79 million people- biggest population of middle eastern nation third biggest of all African countries
Official language: Arabic
English French and German also taught to some
religion around 90% Muslim, most of the rest are Christian (Coptic) but there are major conflicts

Egypt- politics, government, revolution
1922- end of protectorate with the United Kingdom
1952- Egypt declared a Republic
1954-1970- rulled by gamal nasser
  • nationalized the Suez Canal
  • forms allegiance with Soviet Union
1970-19 81- ruled by Anwar Sadat
  • switches allegiance to the united states
  • attacked Israel over Sinai Penisula, but later made peach
  • Sadat assassinated 1981
1981-2011- ruled by Hosni Mubarak
  • kept alliance w/US (Helped in the Iraq war_
  • accused of corruption, political persecution, human rights violations 
  • driven from office following mass demostrations last month
What's next for egypt?
Egypt currently ruled by military junta but democratic elections scheduled from September 2011

some want Mubarak arrested and tried for embezzling from the government our friend Sarah and other Egyptians say he may not have stolen $50-70 billion

revolting is the air throughout the middle of east and northern African

libya has been ruled by Muammar gaddifi since 1969