Thursday, April 28, 2011


democracy is you vote on everything
republic is you vote for someone who votes for everything
Gravitas- loyalty, strength, discipline
one weapon plegions had on their side is their army
office of the dictator is six months long unless the crisis wasn't over

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Going over homework

Not a monarchy. Rome had been a kingdom, monarchy, ruled by tyrants. Gone through that for the most part and didn't mind. people didn't assume they should rule themselves. Tarquin the proud was a guy who was a tyrant and he had seized too much power, not very good with the people We are a Republic. If it was a democracy, all we would be doing would be voting and It's all we'd ever hear about. Gravitas is an important virtue that believed in strength discipline and loyalty. patresfamilias is the father of the house. Togas are loose garment worn by the citizens of Rome. A Partition Is an upper class, claimed to have ancestors who founded Rome. Romus and Remulous. A Legion is a massive military unit

Monday, April 18, 2011


Reviewed on what we saw
armies and battles
spartans won war
Athenian stratedy was to build a wall around the city and from the city to the ocean they would have a big line
Homer and Sapho
Glorify Athens
strengthen democracy
Agora- center of town
Frieze- 2 1/2 D picture
Three styles
Women couldn't participate

Friday, April 15, 2011

New movie, yayyy

Alexander was the only one who could ride the horse
after battle they would sacrifice a bull
He tricks them into thinking he made a mistake for running away,but he was leading them away
A lot of blood and guts and gore but not as bad as I thought it would be
Derius got so scared he ran away, killing some of his own men
Alexander was king at age 25
worst/ bloodiest battles he had been in

Thursday, April 14, 2011


  • Socrates
  • man who was extremely ugly
  • barefoot, dirty robe
  • did not care of appearance 
  • only interested in the mind
  • leader of revolution in thinking
  • gathering strength across the Greek world
  • begun far to the east of Greece
  • knowledge and study had been spreading until it reached modern day turkey
  • Greeks took knowledge and transformed it, God into reason
  • Socrates spent his days walking and talking and debating withe everyone he met 
  • Socrates said you need to make every decision based on what you think is good and bad
  • The unexamined life is not worth living
  • plague devastated Athens
  • Paraclese died 421 BC
  • Athenian democracy showed potential to slide into mob rule 
  • After Paraclese, all the other people weren't as good
  • Ships prepared vessels for sea
  • mighty evasion force set out for Sisely
  • Six months later, campaign needed reenforcement
  • then no news at all
  • Leaders argued with each other for strategy
  • they rushed into it
  • Sicilian campaign  was a mess
  • Manpower through fleet construction 
  • Athenians began to starve
  • Turned to their patron Goddess, Athena 
  • Athens was now home to population ravished by plague and war
  • Lysander dismantled Athenian fleet and wall, 
  • only 12 ships allowed to remain
  • One more act of vanity and violence before Athenians could get better again
  • Searched for an enemy within city walls
  • searched for Socrates
  • Around him he gained a group of young followers
  • They thought this undermined and corrupted the youth
  • Put him to trial
  • Athens central market place
  • under a canopy
  • tried by a jury of fellow citizens 
  • Socrates given a limited time to defend himself
  • Shows no fear
  • extremely stubborn
  • Doing what he thinks is the right thing to do
  • "The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being"
  • if Socrates apologized, he might have been let go
  • but he demands free dinners for all the work he's done
  • Socrates reaction calmly when put to death
  • "Well now it is time to be off, I to die and you to live, but which of us has the happier prospect is unknown to anyone but heaven"
  • Took to prison 
  • still exists
  • still trace the layout of the cell Socrates was probably held
  • Socrates would be executed by drinking hemlock 
  • death by hemlock is extremely painful
  • But as the moment of his execution got closer, he treated it as if it were noting at all
  • He died for the sake of his principle
  • Socrates in his life and death became a completely new Greek hero
  • The vision of a martial warrior hero
  • driven them to conquer great people and make a mighty empire
  • Athens was never again a great imperial power
  • but it never went into mob rule
  • became intellectual inquiry 

finally Finished the movie

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


conquests of Alexander the great
Asia minor
Egypt Greece
some of India

why did he stop?
Because of the mountains.

Is he known as one of the best leaders of all time?

do they know exactly how he died?


I give myself an A.


conquests of Alexander the great
Asia minor
Egypt Greece
some of India

why did he stop?
Because of the mountains.

Is he known as one of the best leaders of all time?

do they know exactly how he died?


I give myself an A.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Hellenic Age
considered classical period
greek called themselves the classic greeks
many greats artsists and philosphers emerged
appeal of glassical greek art helped explain their art
the greeks expressed harmony, balanced, and proportion

severe style
becan to explore emotions and characters of their subjects
sculptures took on a relaxed but balanced pose known as contrapposto

highly classical style

"The classical revolution influenced sculptors to bring in harmony to their theories of proportion, which expressed for the human body the idea norm with total realism"
this sense of harmony reached new heights in the work of Polyclitus of Argos
polyclitus of argos
greek scultors in bronze
one of the most important sculptors of classic antiquity

fourth century B.C.
the peloponnesian war defeated the powerful athens and weakened sparta

Fourth Century style

Three new sculpture trends emerged in fourth century style

alexander the greak
was king of macedon in northeast Greece


used to protect nose cheek and head
made of bronze
also protected the neck

aspis is also called a hoplon
made out of wood
circulate and concave
reach from shoulder to knee
had decoration that identified city
who was sacrotes?
a philosopher

what did he do?
come up with a theory the earth didn't revolve around the world

what happened?
he died.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


A rap was just done

Who came up with the law of physical displacement?

who invented geometry
who invented pi?
greeks (pythagoras)

alexander's youth

born in 356 B.C. In Pella, Macedonia
mother was Olympias, she told him he was the son of a Greek god which made him feel divine
olympias was of much lower status than Philip which cause problems throughout Alexander's childhood.
Philip married many times
conquered many lands
suffered with his troops
known of being one of the greatest generals
died age of 33

who was the father of Alexander the Great?
anexander was the pupil of ___

who was it designed by?
designed by phidius
what style was it?
doric style
who was on inside, and who was on out?
gods on outside, regular people on the inside.
what was it used for?
to worship gods and goddesses


plate and socrates wrote a dialogue called the allegory of cave
it was about prisoners how have been chained down in this cave and who are unable to see themselves
these people who were in this cave were everyday people who think they were actually seeing real things when really they were only seeing shadows of things