Thursday, April 14, 2011


  • Socrates
  • man who was extremely ugly
  • barefoot, dirty robe
  • did not care of appearance 
  • only interested in the mind
  • leader of revolution in thinking
  • gathering strength across the Greek world
  • begun far to the east of Greece
  • knowledge and study had been spreading until it reached modern day turkey
  • Greeks took knowledge and transformed it, God into reason
  • Socrates spent his days walking and talking and debating withe everyone he met 
  • Socrates said you need to make every decision based on what you think is good and bad
  • The unexamined life is not worth living
  • plague devastated Athens
  • Paraclese died 421 BC
  • Athenian democracy showed potential to slide into mob rule 
  • After Paraclese, all the other people weren't as good
  • Ships prepared vessels for sea
  • mighty evasion force set out for Sisely
  • Six months later, campaign needed reenforcement
  • then no news at all
  • Leaders argued with each other for strategy
  • they rushed into it
  • Sicilian campaign  was a mess
  • Manpower through fleet construction 
  • Athenians began to starve
  • Turned to their patron Goddess, Athena 
  • Athens was now home to population ravished by plague and war
  • Lysander dismantled Athenian fleet and wall, 
  • only 12 ships allowed to remain
  • One more act of vanity and violence before Athenians could get better again
  • Searched for an enemy within city walls
  • searched for Socrates
  • Around him he gained a group of young followers
  • They thought this undermined and corrupted the youth
  • Put him to trial
  • Athens central market place
  • under a canopy
  • tried by a jury of fellow citizens 
  • Socrates given a limited time to defend himself
  • Shows no fear
  • extremely stubborn
  • Doing what he thinks is the right thing to do
  • "The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being"
  • if Socrates apologized, he might have been let go
  • but he demands free dinners for all the work he's done
  • Socrates reaction calmly when put to death
  • "Well now it is time to be off, I to die and you to live, but which of us has the happier prospect is unknown to anyone but heaven"
  • Took to prison 
  • still exists
  • still trace the layout of the cell Socrates was probably held
  • Socrates would be executed by drinking hemlock 
  • death by hemlock is extremely painful
  • But as the moment of his execution got closer, he treated it as if it were noting at all
  • He died for the sake of his principle
  • Socrates in his life and death became a completely new Greek hero
  • The vision of a martial warrior hero
  • driven them to conquer great people and make a mighty empire
  • Athens was never again a great imperial power
  • but it never went into mob rule
  • became intellectual inquiry 

finally Finished the movie

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